
Discover an ever-expanding collection of top-notch reading and composition resources for homeschool families below.

Free Online Libraries

Gutenberg | a library of over 60,000 free eBooks
Literature Network | access books, poems, quotes, and more
Read Print | Thousands of free books online
UPenn Books Online | 3 million free books on the Web
Open Library | an Open Library for the World
Questia | 5,000 public domain, classic and rare books 
International Children’s Library | A library for the world’s children

Suggested Reading Lists

Mensa | Earn a commemorative certificate in recognition of your outstanding achievement and get an Excellence in Reading T-shirt, too!
The American Library Association| Association for Library Service to Children promotes reading and books through recommendations, compilations of lists, and related services. 
Minnesota State | Guide to finding reading and interest levels for books.
Scholastic | Guided Reading Book Lists for Every Level

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